Thank you for stopping by. Hope you will be encouraged to connect with yourself for a more fulfilling life. I am so glad you have taken some time for yourself to visit the page. I hope that the posts will be a blessing to your heart and help you to live the best version of yourself, pursue your purpose and live a victorious life. I am confident that this blog will stir up the fire inside of you and awaken those dreams buried inside of you and encourage and motivate you to start taking those baby steps in pursuit of your purpose and conquering your fears. If you feel that there is a seed inside of you that needs a bit of watering to germinate into your purpose, then you are the person I am trying to connect with. Together we can cross those seemingly difficult bridges, make a difference while being authentic.
One of my favourite quotes is, “Success never happens from comfort zones.” Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. If you don’t ever take the risk, you’ll never find out how great it could have been. If you wait until you’re “ready” you’ll be waiting a very long time, possibly the rest of your life. Be bold, take risks and fear nothing except regret. You have one life and it is not a rehearsal, be authentic and bold and start living your purpose and exhale in your calling
In this blog I will be sharing my journey to authentic living, finding satisfaction, contentment and purpose. I will be sharing some of my perspectives learned through lenses of my life experiences. I will also be sharing Inspirational quotes, pictures and some of the places and things that make me come alive and appreciate each day. This journey for me is about embracing life and making the most of life and those people that truly care for me.
Life can be so hectic that sometimes we just need to take time out for ourselves to find our true selves. Those moments that we take time for ourselves can help us to re-evaluate our lives. Learning to trust in our creator and resting His grace is a good way of finding peace while on this life journey. Have faith that is bigger than your fear and never assume that you are stuck with the way things are. Remember by changing nothing changes. Don’t allow yourself to focus on what might go wrong, instead, focus on what could go right and take some risks
I am a great believer that everyone has a role to play in encouraging someone else, or contributing to building others. Don’t pull each other down and there is room enough to accommodate your vision, aspiration, ideas or skills. Go for it have faith