Fear of people and failure


f the truth were to be told, for most people the fear of other people is one of the greatest fears of mankind. Fear of what others think, fear of criticism or being judged and many other reasons we may think about. Fear can cripple us to such an extent that we end up staying in our comfort zones and giving up on our dreams rather than face criticism. The truth is no matter what you do, some people will not like you and they will always have an opinion of you, therefore, you might as well go ahead and live your life to your full potential. As for people they will always have their opinion, negative or positive, sometimes driven by jealousy of your hard-earned achievements or intimidated by your potential. For some people they may just not be for you, and you will need to break away from negative toxic relationships as they will only weigh you down and slow your progress. If you spend time in environments with negative and toxic people who continuously pull you down or work against you, it can be tiresome and wear you out and be counterproductive. Bishop TD Jakes once said in one of his sermons that, “Any time a person’s significance is diminished by your presence they end up as an enemy in the secret camp”. Motivational speaker Joel Osteen once said “Some people can’t handle what God has put in you because of jealousy”. Sometimes even your family will not support you, but keep on pressing towards your goals as you are the visionary and driver of your life. And remember, success is the ability to examine what’s out there, set goals, put your plan into motion and then conquer. Starting your own business is not at all easy but you must have the vision, drive and determination to go for the goal. Most importantly, you must step out in faith and think outside the box. I truly believe that it is better for a person to try, fail and learn from their mistakes, because we can only learn, grow and develop from our mistakes. The more you fail, recover and improve, the better you will become. When we embrace failure, we can use the experience as a stepping stone to improve ourselves rather than dwell on it, at the same time giving ourselves permission to excel. Have you ever met someone who’s always had everything work out for them with no struggle at all? “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill. I encourage you to renew your mind and embrace yourself just as you are, go right ahead and start to make some small steps towards your purpose. You don’t have to allow the enemy (the devil) to determine the direction of your life one more day. You don’t have to stand by while the enemy kills, steals, and destroys that which you hold most dear. Shelly Webb x[/otw_shortcode_dropcap]

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