Embrace the start of 2020 with anticipation

Embrace this year 2020 with anticipation, God can turn your mourning into joy and restore your situation. Let go of the of the old, He who is always on the move invites us to embrace new strategies, new understanding and new roadways through the wilderness so that we can conquer new territory. He calls us to fruitfulness, “See, I am making all things new” (Rev. 21:5).

Personally, I am very excited about this year, as it will be a year of great harvest in many areas of my life. I am highly expectant, excited and confident that I will be executing many plans on my vision board. I am approaching the year with boldness and confidence and am in the mood to get things done. I hope that you too will have the courage to see that vision, plan or goal through to the end.

I pray for God to sanctify you with cheerfulness and delight. I pray that he will surprise you and give you the best of happiness. He is a God of every season. Your season might be changing but that does not mean it’s your end.

As we look back over the festive season, many of us are using this month to reflect on the events of the past year. Some of us may be reflecting on some of the highs, lows, achievements, lessons learned or challenges we may have encountered in the year or past years. Some are approaching it filled with sorrow due to the loss of loved ones, pain, heartache or health issues. My heart goes out to those that are going through these trying times.

Sometimes life can be so hectic, full of expectations and we may find ourselves overwhelmed and often powerless. We may find ourselves trapped in failure, rejection, bitterness, lack or even anger. It is in these situations that God wants to show up and make everything new.

I am indeed a masterpiece of God’s awesomeness, by some definition I should not be here, let alone write to encourage and inspire you. I have been so emotionally broken in so many places, and shed so many tears, have had many sleepless nights and yet still standing. I can go as far as saying I have walked through the valley and shadow of death and yet I am here to showcase what a wonderful God we serve.

Let me assure you from experience, there is life, success and hope springing from the depth of your struggles and you will be victorious and unstoppable in this coming year. No challenges or storms are bigger than God, He can restore you or your situation, those waves or storms you felt were pulling you down are preparing you for your destiny.

There is new grain, new wine and new oil for you. “A new thing,” something that God promised Isaiah “Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” (Isiah. 43:19).

Embrace God’s ever-changing seasons in your life because God will make everything that is beautiful in you new. “Then I will send rain on your land in its season both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil.” (Deut. 11.14).

Without life’s trials, we would not be able to think outside the box, rather we can draw creativity, or we can channel our creativity arising from these challenges. This can make you go where no man has been and do what no man has done.

In the midst of all our trials let us not forget that God made a world that reflects His resurrection power, but it is our choice to embrace this spiritual springtime. In one glorious day all the new green leaves appear, revived in the muggy air. Hang on in there because your season is coming, do not lose heart. Let go of what has been and allow Him to bring new grain, new wine and new oil in your soul.

Do not be oblivious to God’s seasonal changes. He loves to bring a fresh word. He sends His wind to renew. He brings His spring showers to resurrect what has lain dormant in the old season. He even releases His new song over us to bring us into a new level of joy and purpose. He wants to move us forward.

God is whispering to you “The winter is past” (Song of Solomon 2:11). Can you hear him? Or will you be content to stay in the old place? Take time to listen to his gentle voice and be assured that you are his work in progress. “We are the clay and He is the potter we are all the work of His hands” (Isiah 64.8). He moulds and shapes us according to His will.

“As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Genesis 8:22). He is the one who made the seasons to remind us that he has the renewing and resurrecting power. No matter how much darkness winter brings, a time will come when the light will shine again, the flowers will bloom and the birds of the air will nest and sing along. “Be still and know that He is God” (Psalms 46:10)

Shelly Webb x

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